
I started a new blog, Digital Seams

Earlier this week, I launched a new blog titled Digital Seams, which covers topics like APIs, platforms, UX, and interaction design, plus the related human connections. I hope you check it out!

I'm writing Digital Seams because I looked at a pile of blog drafts and saw the running theme. Even looking back through my personal blog, I can trace similar ideas when I wrote about business hours for web companies; and the efficacy of self-checkout machines; lamented that counting website visitors (to this very site) is hard; shared an anecdote about fake accounts on Facebook; and even took customer support escalation to a new level by hunting down people on LinkedIn. I just think these things are neat, and pervasive, and I want to share them.

Thanks so much to James, Michael L., Reini, Sharlene, and Yee Aun, who helped me get these first few posts published. And more broadly, thanks to everyone who helped spark my interest in these topics: various professors at CMU especially in the HCI department, colleagues current and past, and as always, friends.

Again, here's the intro post for Digital Seams. Related to finding more interesting people and ideas in this space, I'm also trying out Bluesky, so add me if you're there!

writingBobbie Chen